Gateway to MENACA

How is France a Gateway?

The world is an expanding place nowadays. People are moving from country to country at a rapid pace. France, just like Britain and the United States has had a massive amount of influence on the world from the 1500s until today.
Many people from the MENACA nations have moved to France for opportunity and because of their shared history. This movement of people has opened up a large door to spread the Gospel to people that would have never had the chance to hear the Gospel in a free and open way. Not only are people moving due to economic opportunities, but people are also being displaced due to wars, famines, ethnic persecution, and other hardships. Being a nation that believes in Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity (Community), France has welcomed people in need.

As unreached peoples find themselves in more liberal and open societies, the Church has been a force to help welcome them, fight for them, and also inviting them to be a part of our communities. Pray for us who are reaching out to our brothers and sisters and welcoming them. Whether it be by spreading the Gospel on the street corner, our schools, our workplaces, or our outreaches centers, Christians are sharing the love of Jesus to those who have not heard the true message of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Messiah, and the One and Only God.

How should we pray?

  • Pray for ministers working with the unreached populations in France in order to freely spread the Gospel among people who were not able to hear the Gospel in their home countries.

  • Pray for unreached immigrants and the laborers like us in France who are working to build bridges with the MENACA region.

  • Pray for refugees here. That the Church would be a vehicle of healing and restoration and that our message would draw people closer to Jesus.

  • Pray for outreach centers around the country that are tailored toward helping those living cross-culturally. That there would be boldness and strategy to reach out to unreached people groups and that Christians would band together to reach them with the Good News.

  • Pray for connections. That people would be saved in France and that they would relay that life-giving message to their home countries among there family and friends who wouldn’t have the opportunity to hear the Good News otherwise, or who would be closed off to listening from a foreigner.

  • Pray for a growth of the Church in France. We pray for the Holy Spirit to empower all who believe to continue the work that Jesus taught us to do, accompanied with signs, miracles, and ultimately His love and forgiveness.